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European Collective Housing Award celebrates architectural excellence and social impact

Call for entries: Feb 15, 2024 to April 2, 2024


Basque Country Architecture Institute and Arc en Rêve Centre d'Architecture, with support from the Department of Territorial Planning, Housing, and Transport of the Basque Government, are announcing the first edition of the European Collective Housing Award. Submissions are now accepted for its inaugural edition.


Submissions will be accepted from February 15 to April 2, allowing architects, urban planners, developers, and industry professionals across Europe to showcase their projects and contribute to discussions about the future of urban living. The award will culminate in a prestigious ceremony where winners will be announced and showcased in an exhibition.


Submissions can be made by:

  • The public administrations are responsible for promoting national, international, provincial, or municipal developments.
  • The development company, either individually or as a group.
  • The architects of the development project, either individually or as a team.
  • The construction companies participating in the development.
  • Users of the development, either individually or collectively.


The Jury

At the helm of the jury stands Anne Lacaton, a distinguished figure in the architectural world renowned for her ethical and human-centered approach. Lacaton, alongside her partner Jean-Philippe Vassal, has garnered global recognition for their groundbreaking work through their firm Lacaton & Vassal. Their innovative approach, focusing on rehabilitating and enhancing existing structures, earned them the prestigious Pritzker Prize in 2021, solidifying their status as pioneers in the field. The rest of the jury will be made up of international figures and will be announced in the coming weeks. 

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The Award

Europe's cities witness a rich history of collective housing, shaping the continent's identity and values. From historic landmarks to contemporary innovations, collective housing reflects Europe's commitment to social cohesion and sustainable urban development.


Collective housing is a cornerstone of European architectural heritage, reflecting the continent's rich history and values. From its roots in centuries-old city development to its evolution through post-industrial eras, Europe's collective housing exemplifies social cohesion, architectural innovation, and urban sustainability.


Despite challenges such as the stigmatization of social housing and urban crises, the new millennium has witnessed a resurgence of collective housing, aligning with European welfare ideals and contemporary socio-environmental concerns. 


Covering 46 countries within the Council of Europe, the European Collective Housing Award offers a unique platform for architects, urban planners, developers, and industry professionals to showcase their collective housing projects. This emphasis on collective housing, a first for such an award, underscores its commitment to addressing pressing societal challenges while fostering sustainable urban development practices across Europe and beyond. 


The partnership between the Basque Country Architecture Institute, Arc en Rêve Centre d'Architecture, and the Department of Territorial Planning, Housing, and Transport of the Basque Government underscores a collective commitment to advancing excellence in architectural design and promoting equitable housing solutions. This collaboration ensures that the European Collective Housing Award catalyzes meaningful dialogue and action, shaping the future of urban living on a continental scale.


About European Collective Housing Award


The European Collective Housing Award, initiated by the Basque Country Architecture Institute and Arc en Rêve Centre d'Architecture, in collaboration with the Department Of Territorial Planning, Housing And Transport Of The Basque Government, celebrates this resurgence and aims to elevate the discourse on housing policies and architectural excellence.


This prestigious award seeks to recognize projects that positively impact communities and contribute to sustainable urban development while promoting quality architecture. Emphasizing the importance of housing as a fundamental human need and societal asset, the award encourages innovation, inclusivity, and environmental responsibility in collective housing design.


Organized by esteemed institutions, the European Collective Housing Award serves as a platform for showcasing groundbreaking architectural achievements, fostering dialogue among professionals, and inspiring future initiatives. By honoring projects that embody excellence, social consciousness, and contextual integration, the award endeavors to shape the future of collective housing in Europe.



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